How to Embrace Earthy Interiors in Your Home

No matter the style of your home, the goal is to create a sanctuary where you can unwind from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. But if there’s one trend that is sure to completely ground your space, it's earthy interiors.

Earthy interiors have been around since the beginning in many different forms. From clay vases to sturdy wooden tables and vintage neutral palettes (cue the iconic retro browns), every generation has seen its share of earthy tones, furniture, and décor. But, with current interior trends emphasising sustainability, natural connections, and organic forms, it's no surprise that this trend is resurfacing and is better than ever. 

We’re loving the return of earthy interiors, and we thought you might be, too. So, we’re exploring how you can embrace earthy interior design within your home. 

Image Credit: @thedesignoryThe Quarter Acre 

What is Earthy Interior Design?

You’ve probably noticed earthy interiors everywhere but may not be familiar with what actually defines this trend. Earthy interiors focus on adding grounding elements to a space. This will look different for everyone, but usually, a strong focus is put on neutral tones, like browns, sage, terracotta, and off-whites, with a lot of layers, soft edges, and, of course, natural materials. Essentially, it’s bringing the outside in, but with a warm, stylish approach. With that being said, let’s dive in. 

Mood board created by Studio Rae Interior Designs, on Style Sourcebook, view mood board here

Mood board created by House of Hali Designs, on Style Sourcebook, view mood board here

Mood board created by The Whole Room, on Style Sourcebook, view mood board here

Sustainable Interior Design 

First and foremost, sustainability. One of the reasons the earthy interior design trend is so popular is its sustainability characteristics. The trend encourages you to invest in quality pieces and upcycle, with a priority on low-impact goods. Not only is this so important for the environment but enables your home to feel closer to nature. It’s a win-win. 

Image Credit: @bask.el_solCoastpark Creative 

Earthy Tones

One of the many amazing things about earthy interior design is that the palette is limitless. Think of the colours that come naturally from the earth, like forest greens, charcoal greys, and walnut browns. Earthy tones obviously aren’t restricted to dark palettes, as we have gorgeous coastal colours like seafoam greens, ocean blues, and sandy beiges. But current trends are drawing in warmth from palettes that feature tones like amber, olive greens, and cocoa browns. Even opting for a dark palette within your earthy interiors means you’ll never run out of tones to embrace.

Furniture and Décor Made from Natural Materials 

Earthy interior design calls for furniture and décor that has been crafted from natural materials. Not only will these pieces help to make your space feel more grounded, but often the materials are high quality and sustainable. We love the Lantine Pill Oak Dining Table from Merlino, or the Miko Beige Jute Rug from Wild Yarn. If you’re looking to go beyond interiors, opting for natural materials within the home will also add to the earthy feel of your space, like stone benchtops and sustainable timber flooring. 

Layer Your Earthy Interiors

Layers are the perfect way to mimic nature while bringing texture and warmth into your space. It can be in the form of a rug or two placed under furniture, artwork, or a throw over the couch. We love the idea of embracing a little bit of Wabi Sabi when it comes to layering, meaning the layers don’t have to be perfect, they just have to achieve that depth and warmth. 

Mood board created by Lisa Hunter Interiors, on Style Sourcebook, view mood board here

Mood board created by The DIY Decorator, on Style Sourcebook, view mood board here

Mood board created by PMK Interiors, on Style Sourcebook, view mood board here. 

Organic Forms

Organic forms are a huge part of earthy interior design. From curved finishes to raw edges and native shapes, these pieces will play a huge part in bringing an earthy element to your space. Pairing items like the Maya Coastal Shelf by Lounge Lovers and the Boston Oak Oval Wall Mirror from Luxe Mirrors together with a muted palette will work to visually soften the space and replicate nature. 

Vases, Pots, and Baskets 

Speaking of organic structures, vases, pots, and baskets are a beautiful way to add a touch of earthiness to your space. Opting for pieces made from materials such as clay and rattan will add to both the palette and texture of your home, while also being practical. For example, baskets are great for storing items you want to hide in plain sight. We love the Organic Basket from OZ Design Furniture and the Large Turkish Odemis Pot from Barefoot Gypsy. 

Decorate with Plants

Adding flora to your home may feel a little obvious when it comes to embracing earthy interior design but hear us out. Potted plants and fresh flowers also aren’t your only option, (especially if you’re slightly lacking in the green thumb department). You can always opt for beautiful dried natives that last for months on end or even lush cuttings from your favourite tree, such as eucalyptus; the options are endless. 

Image Credit: 

Warm Lighting 

When embracing earthy interior design, it’s best to opt for complementing elements that will enhance your palette, furniture, and décor. Warm lighting is the go-to for this style. Opting for bulbs that are a cooler tone may end up changing the appearance of your home, affecting the overall feel and aesthetic. 

Artwork For Your Interiors

No home is complete without beautiful artwork. It's the perfect way to add extra character and unique touch to your home. Plus, you’re spoilt for choice when it comes to finding a piece that will complement your space. Such as the Mina Mina Jukurrpa VIII Neutral Canvas Art Print from Urban Road or the Stairway to Byron Bay Beach by Gioia Wall Art. Artwork like these visually brings earthy elements into your space that further emphasise that organic feeling.

Tip: Take your artwork to the next level by opting for earthy-style wallpaper, we love the Oriental Palm Wallpaper from Milton & King for its aged feeling and soothing tones. 

There are so many incredible ways to begin embracing earthy interiors in your home. After all, it's a concept that focuses on how your home can best ground you while creating a warm and inviting space. If you’re feeling inspired by earthy interior design, pop your ideas down using our mood board tool here. Don’t forget to share your finished projects with us!