Malikijarra Jukurrpa II Canvas Art Print

Malikijarra Jukurrpa II Canvas Art Print


$ 817.00


Urban Road

Product Description

Malikijarra Jukurrpa II Canvas Art Print - This warm, earthy and mesmerising Aboriginal artwork tells the story of the two dogs Dreaming - a story sacred to the Warlpiri tradition. Featuring a winding maze of lines, circles and branches, the artwork is a beautiful representation of a long journey through rockholes and waterholes, in a grounded brown and yellow colour palette. This Aboriginal artwork tells the story of the two dogs Dreaming. The site for this Dreaming makes up a part of a long Dreaming track stretching from one end of the Warlpiri country to the other, and sits adjacent to the windmill at Rabbit Flat in the Northern Territory. This Dreaming is very important to its owners, as it tells the story of proper conduct in families and marriages. This Dreaming tells the story of two dog ancestors, a male, Jampinjinpa, and a female, Napangardi,, who were travelling across the Warlpiri country from the west to the east. Beginning their journey at Yarrajalpa, a waterhole, they travelled through country, digging holes in the ground and creating Pricing listed here is the retail pricing for the 160x60 box frame canvas.




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