New Canvas Size and Product/Image Alignment: Fit Even More Products and Images while Perfectly Aligning Your Vision

We’re so excited to introduce two new product releases: Landscape Canvas and Product and Image Alignment. Now your design projects can fit even more products and images while perfectly aligning your vision.

New Canvas Size: Landscape

The new 4:3 canvas size is now even more perfect for your client presentations. This latest desktop feature gives you extra space to include additional products and images so you can accurately illustrate your visions to your clients. Plus, who doesn’t love more space to mood board?

Product and Image Alignment

Our new product and image alignment tool has been crafted to enhance your mood board projects. Plus, it’s also the perfect tool for creating your vision boards, too. All you need to do is align, refine, and design!

Ready To Get Started?

Dive in and discover these new features and start creating your dream landscape mood boards and utilise the alignment functionality. We can’t wait to see your mood board projects with our new features. Available now on our free mood board tool. Create your mood board here.